Narayana Health, W Health Ventures, and 2070 Health have launched Everhope Oncology, a $10 million joint venture to establish dedicated cancer treatment facilities across India, starting with Delhi and Mumbai.
Everhope plans to scale to 10 cities in the next three years, offering diagnosis, treatment, and supportive care services, including radiation, surgery, chemotherapy, and palliative care.
The venture comes as India’s oncology infrastructure struggles to keep pace with demand—the country has just one oncologist per 2,000 cancer patients, compared to one per 100 in the US.
“We aim to provide patients with best-in-class onco-therapies in comfortable suites close to their homes, where they can get treated in a crowd-free environment and go about the rest of their day,” said Viren Shetty, Vice Chairman, Narayana Health.